For a quick intro, I'm Liz. *wave* I blog about quilting at teeny tiny quilts, and about life and parenting twin toddlers at Goddess in Progress. (That's why you'll see my blogger profile as "Goddess in Progress.") I live in Massachusetts, where I'm a full-time mom of 2.5-year-old boy/girl twins. I sew when they sleep.
I'm so excited to be a part of this Bee. What an awesome group! I actually made Michele's block very early in the month, practically right after I got the fabric. I followed the pattern quite literally, and added a sort of turquoise blue from my stash as a background for the star points. (And, yes, you can see the crease from where I sewed the row on the wrong way the first time... whoops!)

I then sat on it for a few weeks. I was really hoping to make a second block, maybe taking a few more liberties with the design. But too many sewing deadlines this month meant I had to stick with just one for this time.
Michele, it went in the mail this afternoon. I hope you like it!